Wednesday 22 August 2012


had a go on a friend' wife's one of these - costs more than most cars I've ever owned but about a third of a liberation procedure.
I mention this as both expenditures make knocking at the door to look at a potential future so much more bearable.
Every day i think about how miserable this condition would be without the ability to pay for the occasional:
CST (cranial sacral therapy - don't knock it til you get a good practitioner), I did and then i stopped knocking it (she does shiatsu aswell)
exercise bike,
exercise dvd,
good quality supplements (I believe vitD and B12 are useful but can offer no proof).
internet access (which has provided me the chance to be a patient instead of a victim).
All of these things chip away at the downsides of living with MS as your constant companion. 
I'm hoping more, and more varied, exercise is going to put off the need for trek's chair although it was pretty sexy... but needing one it seems isn't considered so in our society, even with the upcoming Paralympics! let's see come mid-september (the paralympic torches have just been up mountains this morning and will be kicking the whole thing off next week after a practice of the Olympics brilliantly started by Danny Boyle. it seems the opening ceremony served very nicely as an advert for when the NHS goes global (already has a hospital in Dubai).

'horrifically english' has a similar feel to it as 'terribly british'.
with only the merest hint of  red crosses!
It's got the same double rr but perhaps has come from the mouth of a younger englander?
i include this statement which was about a friend's photoing the torch being punted along the Cam and the Chariots of Fire song was reverently hummed by the onlookers. As they passed one of his friends commented on facebook that it was 'terribly british'.

When you send the media a news release, you ask them to publish your news. If you are to be successful it has to be presented in a way that fits their needs better than other competing news releases. To them this is a business decision. To you it is do or die.

So it is crucial for you to study what media publish, so you can decide what to present to them in your news release. 

If you do you will see that there is a simple formula that defines the elements needed for media success. It boils down to this: 

DPAA + H. 

This stands for: 

Dramatic, Personal, Achievement in the face of Adversity, plus a little Humor.

These elements are the bottom line motivational factors you see in media everywhere. It's a common thread that is used by media to command the attention of the public. This is what the public wants and craves.  this is taken from a pr website and covers what all good fundraisers need to know... apparently.

crowdsourcing is not the same as crowdfunding! but they're both pretty interesting to a patient 

This article refers to TAVI a process and device which inserts a valve in the heart. This was discussed at the CCSVI NICE meeting we attendend. What is interesting about this is the contrast between the process of approval that TAVI got and the cautious attitude towards CCSVI treatment. The TAVI device albeit used in very sick patient was approved for these patients inspite of the high risks...
Medical News: Evidence for TAVI Questioned - in Cardiovascular, PCI from MedPage Today
The tens of thousands of transcatheter aortic valve implantations performed worldwide may not have solid evidence behind them, European researchers suggested
evolutionary aspect to empathy chronic degenerative is a step too far tho?

this msg has many thoughts from the past month or so some of their pairings might mean something to others also!

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