Friday 24 January 2014

I've always felt I might be ahead of the wave and as if any more proof were needed, here is my purple cast which I 'wore' over christmas and New Year.I believe it beautifully brings out the bruises making their way down my toes rather nicely don't you think?

It's been drawn to my attention that Radiant orchid is The Colour of the Year according to pantone
post today is short and to the point. Unlike the six weeks of cast over christmas. 
The following view was joyous!
ok, so my goth party cast and radiant orchid are quite different colours but out of what was on offer at the fracture clinic (red, blue, black, white, yellow, green, orange) I came as close to radiant orchid as possible.

Purple has also been designated as the colour of disability according to the BBC's reporting of the trendsetters and marketeers. Noone's sure but perhaps it relates to disabled US veteran's puple hearts, the colour of royalty, the official colour of  the "Non-partisan UK-based Disability campaign. Advocacy group Broken of BritainAs a group in society we represent enough disposable income to be worth chasing, like the grey and pink pounds, apparently. 
Not sure if we'd all agree with that but I still managed to survive the angle grinder they use to cut through the cast without picking up further disability!
I naively hoped once the cumbersome cast was gone I'd be feeling, in comparison to how i was before the fall so incredibly, gloriously mobile.
How wrong I was but it seems nothing comes to anyone effort free.
Bring on the knitted wheelchair warmers, I say!

The UK MS Society went purple a few years ago from orange; almost a 180degree change on the colour wheel... My mistake, they appear still to be orange but the free cloth shopping bag given out at the event in 2012 is purple. 
I've been doing a number of things with/for them over the past year some of which i think I've blogged about before I would provide the links but it's a Friday evening, I've just had a glass of wine, I'm listening to the Now Show on BBC radio4 and have some photos to process for a business mentor's website. I'll put the link in a later post when my photos are included.
I also need to return a call to a lady in the process of drawing up a study or trial into an MS treatment. I really do need to read up on what they're after

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