Friday 1 February 2013

be a sh*t - science expects it of us!
not sure what i feel about this study.

it appears to give folk with MS an excuse for behaving thoughtlessly toward others. Is it just another sign of over medicalising our lives (by 'our' I mean everyone, normals and all).

Bit shy?
You have social anxiety disorder
...that can be medicated!
 the drugs developed to combat depression SSRIs on which studies are coming through saying they're not that effective and you'd be better off following your mother's advice to go out for a brisk walk and feel the air on your face. Just as these drugs have the potential to lose customers they find another customer base.

When I've been shy back in the day when i did social situations I'd have a drink like most of the rest of folk who've felt a little awkward at parties.

I chose to medicate with a brain relaxer (perhaps sometimes a little too effectively).
let me know what you think about the subject (I know no one reads these posts but writing a blog is the less mobile's attempt at not being shy!)

let's part-ay

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